Principal's Message

Avalon is a welcoming and beautiful school located in the heart of the Avalon community.  We are an inclusive school community and believe that the right to feel supported and welcome fosters learning in that achievement and wellness are aligned.

At Avalon and across all of our OCDSB schools we are committed to creating meaningful relationship-based relationships with our students. We are also committed to creating the conditions to be culturally-responsible and inclusive of all of our students.  We will do this at Avalon by fostering inclusive environments where all members of the school community feel safe and comfortable to explore and express their gender identity and gender expression and ensure students and staff are safe from overt forms of discrimination.  We are also invested in continuing our learning about Truth and Reconciliation and the decolonization of learning.  We believe that all our students and community feel supported regardless of their culture, race, religion and gender identity.

Our goals this year and for the years to come is to focus on setting high expectations for all our staff and students and think about how we will create a Culture of Innovation, a Culture of Caring and a Culture of Social Responsibility as outlined in the District’s Strategic Plan

I look forward to our continued journey this year, reconnecting with our returning students and getting to know our new families.

Jennifer Anderson

Principal of Avalon Public School