Achievement and SIP

THEORY OF ACTION - 2018/2019

If educators regularly engage students in math talks and support all students in participating, then students will develop automaticity, efficiency, flexibility, comfort, and confidence in describing their mental math strategies and explaining their thinking.


Staff at Avalon use ongoing assessment to inform teaching and learning. Some of our assessments include:

  • PM Benchmarks, GB+, CASI, CAT4 and EQAO results
  • Daily teacher observation, student daily assignments, unit pre‐tests and quizzes
  • Teacher feedback is key and a focus for our School Learning Plan
  • Student self and peer evaluation (rubrics)
  • Formal educational assessments conducted by our Learning Support Teacher
  • Learning Bar data
  • Other relevant data


After reviewing the data sources listed above, our school team established the following priorities for the 2018-2019 school year:

  • developing automaticity in working with numbers
  • supporting our focus on the fundamentals in mathematics by engaging students and staff in "math talks"
  • supporting accountable talk and conversations between students
  • promoting classroom environments that encourage risk-taking and participation

We will be drawing upon high yield strategies to build educator capacity and enhance student learning.

This year, our SLP is designed around a Theory of Action to move student achievement in these specific areas forward. Our Theory of Action states:

If educators regularly engage students in math talks and support all students in participating, then students will develop automaticity, efficiency, flexibility, comfort, and confidence in describing their mental math strategies and explaining their thinking.
Our SLP and progress within the plan is shared with our School Council monthly. Updates are also shared in our communications to families.

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